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229 2023-11-19 09:20


enterprise culture

company culture

corporate culture


English Translation: enterprise culture business purpose and spirit of enterprise and business strategy and business philosophy and corporate obligation. The new idea and the new level and new world. Wait on line urgently thank you for new year's Eve chivalrous swordsman 望采纳

三、企业文化 英文翻译 急求在线等

Intention to create, perfect quality heart of the culture (culture) hard service, listen carefully, heart exchange, carefully tracking ------- customer first carefully designed, carefully developed, carefully test the intentions of production ------ perfect quality and continuing to draw, constantly transforming, continuous improvement, continuous service to ------- closer to you I have always believed that you and I are the perfect combination of supply and demand, cross step win-win, win the world......

四、求以下几个短语的英文翻译。 谷歌与组织管理概述。 历史困境与解决方案。 组织结构设计。

A summary of Google and organization management

Historical difficulties and the sollutions

Organizational design 你这是一篇文章中的词语翻译吧,所以我'组织都用 “organization 翻译,如果以上短语中 有些作为标题,注意要大写